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The long water path from upstream to downstream

Welcome on the website of “Acqua*Morfosi_d’ambiente”, a study project carried out by the students of the classes 3°I and 3°G of “Annibale Calini” high school in Brescia, Italy, and focused on the water, seen as a geomorphological agent which shapes the environment and as a human resource and danger. A part of the project consists in surveys and water samplings, in order to obtain results which show how water affects and shapes the environment.  The interest of the students includes other connected fields, such as environmental geology, geomorphology, cartography, botany, zoology, climatology, physics, chemistry and statistic. Accurate water analysis are performed by cooperating associations and societies (“Spedali Civili” of Brescia and “A2A”). This Project is possible thanks to the collaboration of our partners, especially “FAI”, and the financing of “Fondazione Cariplo”.

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